Contact Info
Name: Anna WiensCity: Calgary
Phone: 403-681-6643
Email: ot.annawiens@gmail.com
Private Practice Info
Private Practice Name: O.T. AnnaWebsite: https://www.otanna.ca
Years in Practice: more than 10 years but less than 15 years
The recent launch of the O.T. Anna private practice is strongly inspired by the many NICU and medical families I’ve seen cross from hospital to home, crisis to “new-normal”. The journey can continue to feel difficult, yet lacking in support or expertise. If you are anxious to stay proactive or need a hand to guide you, then I am here for you.
My second source of inspiration is parenthood, period. Whether or not your little one has a medical history or diagnosis, being a parent is the BEST, HARDEST, and MOST IMPORTANT role on this earth, and we all need help. If you are overwhelmed and would benefit from some coaching to help you laser focus on the purposeful activities that truly pay off, then I am here for you.
1) Individualized Early Intervention - This is what I call “purposeful parenting”!! Learn how you can facilitate each milestone of your baby’s development from day one.
• Feeding - Breast and bottle feeding, to solids introduction, through texture progression and eventually an age appropriate toddler diet. As a specialized feeding therapist for infants and young children, I am very familiar for example, with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and tube feeding.
• Development - Sleep and regulation, gross motor and fine motor milestones. I'm one of Alberta’s few Neonatal Therapists and have worked to attain additional training in neonatal touch and massage and trigger point therapy.
2) Developmental Play Groups – 60 to 90 minute developmental play groups, for 2-4 babies and their caregivers. (Cost for therapy time is split).
• Babies get the benefit of watching and learning from each other, and practicing early social skills. I will facilitate each individual baby’s next developmental goals, and provide handouts and recommendations for purposeful play to continue at home.
• Caregivers bond and support each other through shared experience.