1 (855) 691-7268 info@saot.ca

Contact Info

Name: Jennifer Gokiert
City: Calgary
Address: 7344-36 Avenue NW
Phone: 403-874-4541
Email: jgokiert@integratedrehab.ca

Private Practice Info

Private Practice Name: Integrated Rehab
Website: https://www.integratedrehab.ca
Years in Practice: more than 20 years but less than 30 years

We believe in holistic, community-based rehabilitation for people with complex needs, mental health concerns and those with traumatic brain injuries, enabling clients and families to identify and access supports and resources to allow them to mitigate their losses and achieve their optimal outcomes.


Specializing in traumatic brain and orthopedic injuries, we perform comprehensive initial needs assessments and coordinate and facilitate treatment, working collaboratively with team members. We also generate reports outlining cost estimates of rehabilitation care required to secure Section B benefits and benefits from third-party insurance providers.


We provide home and community-based assessments and individualized treatment programs, reactivation programs, cognitive rehabilitation and compensatory strategy training, worksite​ assessments, return to work planning, Functional Capacity Evaluations and community integration.


Focusing on non-sport related concussions, we provide individualized treatment plans and education addressing common symptoms including sleep disruption, headaches, fatigue, double vision, difficulties with balance and dizziness, anxiety, irritability, memory and attention difficulties.