1 (855) 691-7268 info@saot.ca

Contact Info

Name: Karen Daniels
City: Calgary
Phone: 4034779472
Email: karen.daniels11@hotmail.com

Private Practice Info

Private Practice Name: Windsong Expressive Arts
Website: http://windsongexpressivearts.com
Years in Practice: more than 30 years

Karen Daniels will inspire you to move towards what you love and want to be doing with your life. All transitions and health challenges offer opportunities. Regain momentum and then clarify next steps. Through therapy, coaching or group work Karen Daniels, occupational therapist and expressive arts therapist, brings a fresh way of combining talking and doing something in each session. Access your practical nature and free up your creative imagination. Become more aware of what has worked in your life and how to really listen to what you want and need.

Karen brings her wealth of experience in mental health, addiction and pain from her past work with the Alberta Health Services. She has been in private practice since 2017 and working with the expressive arts as a key modality since 2012. She attends closely to executive functioning (the strengths and weaknesses of how the brain manages information)in her work with ADHD and Veterans. She is trained in sensory modulation and brings that to all trauma treatment. She practices and teaches the principle "decentering", which can move problems out of the way to create space for the imagination.and solutions This technique is similar to brainstorming and uses both sides of the brain. Also, she supports professionals to use expressive arts activities in supervision, therapy or coaching.

To contact her, check out tributes, and get more information about Windsong Expressive Arts go to http//windsongexpressivearts.com

Mentorship Info

What are your areas of practice? Education and Public Outreach, Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Working Life
Area of Special Focus 1
Services Health Promotion/Wellness