Contact Info
Name: Nicole KlutheCity: St. Albert
Address: #120 200 Carnegie Drive
Phone: 7802649798
Private Practice Info
Private Practice Name: Woven Blessings Maternal & Pediatric ServicesWebsite:
Years in Practice: more than 10 years but less than 15 years
Woven Blessings provides direct and consultative occupational therapy services to children and families in the clinic, home, school, and community. Using a fun, motivating and engaging approach, we help children accomplish their goals in the areas of: sensory processing and self regulation, fine and gross motor skills, play & adaptive skills, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, self-help skills, social-emotional skills, executive functioning skills, and feeding/picky eating. Services provided include:
- various assessments
- group therapy programs
- integrated listening program to clients who fit the criteria
- consultation to daycares, preschools, schools, and community programs
- professional development to groups and organizations
- supporting children with FSCD and PUF funding