Welcome to the SAOT Mentorship Program
The SAOT Mentorship Program is now open!

Welcome to the SAOT Mentorship Program
The SAOT Mentorship Program is now open!
Purpose of the SAOT Mentorship Program
The SAOT Mentorship Program is about members supporting members! The program aims to facilitate a member’s access to member occupational therapists who are willing to assume a mentorship role with the goal of enabling a meaningful mentorship relationship. Through a member-protected on-line portal, OTs seeking mentors can search the SAOT database to find potential mentors with the skills and experience they are looking for.
The SAOT Mentorship Program is not intended for OT students.
Be A Mentor
What is Mentorship?
Wikipedia defines Mentorship as: “a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger, but has a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with experience and someone who wants to learn.”
Mentorship from an experienced clinician can play an important role in supporting occupational therapists whether newly graduated, new to Alberta, new to a practice area, or re-entering the profession to achieve their personal and professional goals. The beauty of this partnership is that it can be just as rewarding for the mentor. Through communicating, answering questions, and spending time reflecting about practice, mentors have found that the mentorship partnership has enhanced awareness about their abilities and about the profession as a whole.
The word mentor comes from the character “Mentor” in Homer’s epic tale, The Odyssey. Mentor was a trusted friend of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. When Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, Mentor served as friend and counsel to Odysseus’ son Telemachus. Riverside Webster’s II New College Dictionary 1995 defines a mentor as “a wise and trusted teacher or counselor”. The act of mentoring is a series of ongoing and little successes. You will be able to make a real impact through consistent and ongoing relationship building.
The SAOT Mentorship Process
The SAOT Mentorship Program provides a framework for a self-directed approach to mentorship. Collaboratively, mentors and mentees may decide to either engage in a more informal partnership – i.e.: ad-hoc emails, calls, etc., or something more formal whereby a contract is signed, a meeting schedule is established, expectations are communicated, etc. Regardless of which option you choose, SAOT has some resources that can help during this process.
Information for Prospective Mentors
Information for Prospective Mentees
SAOT Mentorship Program Resources
“A wise teacher learns in the midst of teaching; a wise student teaches in the midst of learning.”
– Mollie Marti
Information for Prospective Mentors
Becoming a Mentor
Members interested in providing mentorship for others may self-identify on their SAOT OT Profile which be accessed by logging in at the top right corner of the page. This can also be done at the time of the annual membership renewal. By identifying an interest/willingness, the potential mentor’s name and business contact information will be made available to members seeking mentors who meet the criteria they are seeking. You can change your commitment at any time by accessing your member profile.
Prospective Mentors
Thank you in advance for your time and willingness to share your knowledge and expertise to new graduates and registered OTs in Alberta who are paid members of SAOT!
What to know about the process:
You may be contacted by a prospective mentee who is an SAOT member and who has selected your name from SAOT’s Find-a-Mentor Online Tool accessed through a member protected page on the SAOT website. Your name would have surfaced to them if you met their search criteria – i.e. geographical location, or practice area, or current role, or years of experience etc.
When you are contacted by a prospective mentee, please be transparent from the onset, as to what type and/or whether you are able to commit to any degree of a mentoring partnership at this time.
View the SAOT Mentorship Program Resources to support you on your journey as a mentor!
How can we improve? We seek feedback on the experience of both Mentors and Mentees. Periodically, you may receive an email survey link from SAOT to solicit your feedback if you have been engaged as a Mentor.
Problems? Questions? See When to Contact SAOT.
Information for Prospective Mentees
If finding a mentor is something that interests you, and you feel is something you could benefit from, please use the self-directed Find-a-Mentor Online Tool. Once all of your search information has been entered, you will be immediately provided with a list of names of OTs in the mentorship database that meet your criteria. The entire process will only take about 5 minutes!
About the Process
- Reach out to your potential mentors to introduce yourself, identify your needs and to determine if they are in a position to assist at this time. Consider the following for an initial email or phone conversation;
Notify them that their name and email address/telephone number was provided to you by the SAOT Find-a-Mentor Online Tool.
Identify at least some of your specific needs/goals for mentorship so they can assess if they are able to commit.
How you would like to communicate with your mentor? – in-person meetings a few times? Mostly email? Mostly phone? Skype? Zoom?
Your background – What brings you to SAOT’s Mentorship Program?
The type of support you need – e.g. client related questions as they arise, review of assessment tools etc., business development advice, something more…
- Consider some potential questions to ask a potential Mentor during your initial contact so that you too can gauge fit:
How many years of experience do they have? Where has their career path taken them?
What is the focus of their practice? Do they have any particular areas of interest/areas of practice expertise/”specialties”?
If you’re a new graduate – you may have some specific questions such as: Can they provide suggestions for the format/content of your resume? Can they provide suggestions for interview preparation?, etc.
- View the SAOT Mentorship Program Resources to support you on your journey as a mentee!
- How can we improve? You may receive a periodic email to solicit feedback. Help us continue to develop the program!
- When to Contact SAOT
Access the SAOT Members’ Find-A-Mentor Online Tool
… we thank our mentees – for knowing and wanting to learn more, for pursuing excellence and confidence in the practice of OT and, for having the courage and self direction to ask for help.
When to Contact SAOT
Though the SAOT Find-a Mentor Tool is designed to facilitate a self-directed mentorship program to best meet your needs on your time. Don’t hesitate to be in touch if you feel you require additional support or if SAOT can make this a more enriching experience for you.
You may wish to be in contact with SAOT if:
You experience any technical difficulties with the SAOT Mentorship Program Find-a- Mentor Tool link.
You did not receive any names during your search.
None of the potential mentors identified in your search are available to support you at this time.
You have feedback you would like to share outside of the survey.
“A wise teacher learns in the midst of teaching; a wise student teaches in the midst of learning.”
– Mollie Marti
SAOT Mentorship Program Resources
Resources to support you along your mentorship journey…
There is considerable literature on mentorship and as you consider a mentorship relationship, you are encouraged to consider the commitment, skills and strategies you may need to make the best of a potential relationship. The following resources represent a few to consider. While some resources come from a business perspective, the underlying messages about establishing good mentorship relationships is very relevant for the occupational therapist.
6 Things Every Mentor Should Do – Chopra, Vineet and Saint, Sanjay. Harvard Business Review, March 2017
How to be a Good Mentor – TED Talks playlist
The Difference between Coaching and Mentoring – Management Mentors
How to be a Good Mentee – Neal, Tess. Association of Psychological Science, February 2011
Top 10 Tips for being a Good Mentee – Insala, January 2016
10 Killer Questions to get the most out of your Mentorship Interview – Gervais, Bert. Forbes, February 2014.